NHF is a nonprofit archives dedicated to collecting, preserving and sharing northern New England's moving image heritage. We run a three-story vault holding 10 million+ feet of film, a public study center, a 140-seat theater, and enjoy the support of 400+ members. Please explore our collections and help us save an important part of your culture.
Selected Northeast Historic Film items:
Snowmobile promotional film, ca. 1970
Film of Western Maine Sanatorium, Hebron, 1934
Trolley excursion film, Lewiston-Auburn, ca. 1935
Logging, Bingham, ca. 1930
Catching sardines, Eastport, ca. 1930
Winter logging, ca. 1930s
Dr. Rose House, Thomaston, ca. 1960s
Edmund S. Muskie on the environment, 1970
Maine National Guard drills, ca. 1933
Street scenes, Fort Fairfield, 1967
Herring fishing, Mt. Desert, ca. 1940
Junior Potato Queen contest, Fort Fairfield, 1967